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Contact me:

Hi, I'm Jeff.

As my daughter would describe, another old grey-haired guy with a passion for photography. She is right about one thing; I do have a passion for my photography and I hope you will also find some inspiration to pick up a camera and get out there and start looking at the world as I do. Photography for me is more than taking a shot, but the chance to actually look deeper and notice things that would usually pass me by. I lived in Scotland for ten years and never climbed a mountain or took a picture because I didn't see what I see now. This just makes me wish that I had picked up a camera years ago.


My photography started due to visiting friends and family one Christmas, and while just dropping in quickly to deliver cards, my car was broken in to. All our presents were gone; even our clothes. My daughter was devastated, however, what came of this was a replacement pocket camera: a small Sony.  What at the time was devastating, actually changed our life. Blown away by the quality of photos from the little Sony; my daughter and I climbed 60 of the highest mountains in pursuit of that photo from the highest point. Photography became my passion and the eyes began to see things I had never noticed before. From that one horrid moment, our lives changed forever.


I have collated a collection of some of my favourite photos and will be frequently adding projects that I am working on to share with you. You can also find me on Instagram, where I like to post my most recent and favourite shots on the go. Take a cheeky look by following the link at the bottom of the page or searching for @jefftebbuttphotos.


I am currently based in Lee-on-the-Solent in the UK, but I do travel to  accommodate special moments in peoples lives or businesses.





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